Dear 100-year-old self

Write a letter to your 100-year-old self.

Dear Krissia,

Right now you are 35 years old, you have accomplished a lot of goals and are still manifesting some more. You are still growing, learning about yourself and going with the flow of life.

You have an amazing son, a wonderful future husband and a loving dog.

You have learned your bad habits and good habits, but you are still learning who you truly are. The inner you. I’m sure by now you should finally know who that is.

You are loving life, enjoy every moment, you are more open minded and not afraid to speak your mind.

If we made it to 100 is because God still had plans for you.

I love you always,

Younger me

The Sky Deck Is the star – Delta Sky Club at LAX

The Delta Sky Club at LAX, close to Terminal 3, is 30,000 square feet in size with enough room for more than 500 guests. The main attraction is an outdoor space dubbed the Sky Deck, complete with a bar and views of both an airport runway and the Hollywood Hills. What else can you ask for while you wait for your flight or your next flight!?!

It’s all about the views at this new Delta lounge, which features an outdoor, all-weather bar.

Whether you’re at Los Angeles International Airport for only an hour or two before your flight, you might as well enjoy the weather while you can. At least, that’s the thinking behind the renovation at Delta Air Lines’ newest lounge at LAX. This airline is no doubt capitalizing on its location.

Below I’ll describe a preview of what you can expect at the Delta Sky Club LAX lounge, along with ways you can gain access.

Delta Sky Club at LAX amenities

Located in terminal 3 of LAX airport, The journey begins in the majestic downstairs lobby. When you enter the Delta Sky Club, you’ll be greeted by a sky club staff member whom will ask you to proceed inside to check in at any of the five self-service kiosks and then head up the escalators.

The space is massive — bigger than the existing Delta Sky Club at LAX in Terminal 2, which will remain open to accommodate Delta passengers going through the airport.

Once checked in, guests will ascend the monumental staircase or escalators, passing beneath dazzling ceiling fixtures modeled after ocean waves before arriving at the custom wood-screened area that marks the Club’s entrance.

Throughout the lounge, guests can enjoy multiple food buffet and beverage centers that feature a seasonally inspired selection of fresh items, with options for dining in and quick snacks for customers on the go.

In addition to the regular menu rotation, the Club will feature special food and beverage programming that shines a spotlight on local makers and restaurant talent.

The lounge is outfitted with seating options to accommodate a wide variety of travelers, including private phone booths for quiet work and theater-style seating for viewing the media wall. Club restroom amenities have been optimized for guest comfort and privacy and include a nursing room, oversized family restrooms and eight spacious showers managed via a virtual queuing system.

The premium Club bar extends to the year-round outdoor Sky Deck.

You could definitely spend a few hours out there because the Sky Deck has a convenient outdoor bar — you won’t have to go very far for beverages.

Like the food and drinks, the art inside the lounge is also intended to showcase local culture.

Perhaps one of the most unique places to sit in the entire lounge is a nook dubbed the “coffee grotto.” This space has a unique backsplash made with imported Italian tiles, and it was designed to evoke the glamour of Hollywood’s Golden Age. You’re not far off if you think it looks a little like the iconic Beverly Hills Hotel wallpaper.

How to access Delta Sky Club at LAX

You must have a Delta Sky Club membership, a Delta One ticket or a premium cabin ticket on a partner airline, elite status or a certain credit card to be able to enter the Delta Sky Club. Unfortunately, you can’t buy a day pass to Delta Sky Clubs unless you have a co-branded Delta credit card that allows you to do so.

Started my candle business

Alrighty! My readers I have been a little hidden lately; but I wanted to let you all know about something new I have been working on!

I have ventured into the candle business, this is for all my candle lovers! below is the link to my Etsy shop. I hope you could all take a look at my beautiful soy wax handmade candles and order some for your home!

These candles will have positive affirmations and will be crystal-infused.

This means each candle will have certain crystals inside such as amethysts, clear quartz and rose Quartz crystals.

For all my crystal lovers I know you know what this means. 😃

For those who aren’t really familiar with crystals; the way it works is each crystal has a meaning, what chakra it helps heal and a positive intention when used correctly.

I hope to bring some positivity into others lives who purchase one of my candles. Every time time you light your candle up you’ll be able to read this affirmation to yourself to set out your intention to the universe !


Emotions, what do they mean? Why are they expressed ? Why do we have emotions? Where do they come from?

Have you ever felt like the more you suppress your emotions the harder it is to explain yourself to anyone. Have you ever felt like everything feels like it’s falling apart because of those emotions?

Your emotions could be such a roller coaster that at times that they may not seem that easy to control, to let go of, are you supposed to control your emotions, technically yeah you could control your emotions, the way you feel, the way you begin your day, how you respond to a person, how a thought can trigger an emotion?

It’s all about you, your control and how you’ll let them define you. Now where do emotions come from.

First, your emotional reactions are usually caused by your thoughts; however, sometimes your brain can also trigger an emotional reaction unconsciously (meaning that you may not understand why that emotional reaction is happening). Second, your emotional reactions involve changes in (1) what your body is doing, (2) what you pay attention to and think about, and (3) how you want to act. Third, after you have an emotional reaction, it is important to pay attention to it and to try your best to figure out which emotions you are feeling and why. Finally, you have learned that it is important to know how emotions work because it can help you respond to your emotions in healthier ways.

Have you ever felt happy, sad, angry, or afraid? How about jealous, ashamed, or embarrassed? Almost everybody has these different emotions from time to time, and they can have a big effect on the way people think and act.

When something happens, you will feel different emotions depending on how your mind answers these different questions.

How should we deal with our emotions?

What is your favorite type of weather?

If you haven’t read any of my previous posts well you will find out today that the cool weather is by far my favorite weather, fall is my favorite season!!

For those who have been following my blog for a while clearly know FALL is my favorite!!! Everything fall!!

Now why do I love the cool weather so much??!! Well there is let’s see the change in temperature of course (I can’t do the hot to long), there is changes in the leaves, there is hoodie season, sweat pants! Long socks and of course Halloween, Thanksgiving should I keep going?! ha!

I used to love summer as a child. The hot weather!

Ah, those carefree, school-less days filled with chilled watermelon and ice-cream, endless cartoons and splashes at the beaches—just thinking about them brings a nostalgic smile to my face. Indeed, growing up, summer was my favorite season of them all.

But as I grew older, I began a love affair with another season—one I used to dread as a child because its arrival meant the end of those carefree, school-less days—the fall. I started to appreciate the very season I used to hate. I grew to love the beauty, wonders, and everything else, of fall.

There is so many reasons to love this weather and season!

1. Hot tea and hot cocoa

2. Sweat pants

3. Hoodie season! The best.

4. Sit outdoors and enjoy the breeze!

& so on…..😁

Apple Celery Spinach Juice

Want a great tasty green juice ?!

Well this easy and quick juice is based with celery, apple and spinach. The sweetness of the apples balances out any bitterness that comes from the celery and spinach.

Honestly, the spinach was barely noticeable in the taste, but look how much green I got out of it!

I’m pleasantly surprised at the amount of juice that was produced with these simple ingredients:

1 Apple

Handful of spinach whether it’s baby spinach or regular size spinach

1 stalks celery

The apples are the real star. They are sweet, tart and super refreshing.

I started with the regular spinach first. Then I added apples and celery, alternating with some spinach. I also added a little bit of water, The pulp/ juice of the apples and celery helps push more juice out of the spinach. The ingredients made over a cup of juice! Booya!!

A very bright green drink. Maybe it will give me that boost of energy to clean up?? I bet it would be really good with a splash of lemon juice in the mix.

I think spinach is going to end up in a lot of future juices!

Women and our hormones!!!

Let’s discuss a quick topic about us women and PMS syndrome!

This has been on my mind lately just because I know many women never want to speak on this or even accept the fact that they may have these symptoms each month.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of symptoms that many women get about a week or two before their period. Most women, over 90%, say they get some premenstrual symptoms, such as bloating, headaches, and moodiness. For some women, these symptoms may be so severe that they miss work or school, but other women are not bothered by milder symptoms. Studies have shown that on average, women in their 30s are most likely to have PMS.

PMS is a combination of physical and emotional symptoms that many women get after ovulation and before the start of their menstrual period. Researchers think that PMS happens in the days after ovulation because estrogen and progesterone levels begin falling dramatically if you are not pregnant. PMS symptoms go away within a few days after a woman’s period starts as hormone levels begin rising again.

I can say I’ve been there….but with some changes in your life and diet this can all be managed. At least 90% of us get this before our monthly cycle. Its not fun.

The acne coming up, feeling heavier than usual, bloated, constipation, food cravings, and let’s not forget the mood swings! It’s estimated that as many as 3 of every 4 menstruating women have experienced some form of premenstrual syndrome.

Symptoms tend to recur in a predictable pattern. But the physical and emotional changes you experience with premenstrual syndrome may vary from just slightly noticeable all the way to intense.

Still, you don’t have to let these problems control your life. Treatments and lifestyle adjustments can help you reduce or manage the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

These symptoms can take control over you each month if you don’t know how to manage them or control them with some lifestyle changes.

When to see a doctor

If you haven’t been able to manage your premenstrual syndrome with lifestyle changes and the symptoms of PMS are affecting your health and daily activities, see your doctor.

Never be afraid to reach out to a specialist who may be able to help you.

How have you dealt with PMS ?! What has worked for you?! That may help others.